domingo, 5 de febrero de 2012

About Us.!!!

Josmary Pinto

*  Name: Josmary Raquel Pinto Rey.
*  Personal Nº: 20.034.335
*  Age: 20
*  Date of Birth: 20th August 1991
*  Nationality: Venezuelan.
*  Address: Urbanization Los Naranjos del Ingenio, principal Street, house #123, Guatire, Miranda State.

Vigney Casanova 

*  Name: Vigney Vanessa Casanova Osorio.
*  Personal Nº: 19.453.911
*  Age: 20
*  Date of Birth: 02nd April 1991
*  Nationality: Venezuelan.
*  Address: Avenue. Ppal La Yaguara  Downtown: San Rafael/ House Nº3.

Ilva Ramírez

*  Name: Ilva Rosa Ramírez Villareal.
*  Personal Nº 18.397.199
*  Age: 25
*  Date of Birth: 15th July 1986
*  Nationality: Venezuelan.
*  Address: Street: El Progreso, Neighborhood: Carapita, Parish: Antimano.

 Maribel Laguna

*  Name: Maribel Coromoto Laguna Chirinos.
*  Personal Nº: 8.500.535
*  Age: 40
*  Date of Birth: 22th November 1971
*  Nationality: Venezuelan.
*  Address: Urbanization Guaicoco, Street the Háticos,
House Number 03, –. Miranda State
All in all.! 

     We are a girls happy, responsible, dedicated to our studies, where weclassmates support  to perform our tasks.

     In addition to being classmates are also very good friends with a common purpose which is to be Licensed in Administration.

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